To stop climate change, there are three major challenges:
1: Convert all of our fossil fuel machines and appliances to use electricity;
2: Provide all of that electricity from renewable sources; and
3: Become much more efficient in our use of that electricity.
Our efforts can start at home.

You can take the next step and totally end the use of fossil fuels in your home by converting your entire house to use electricity for absolutely everything, from HVAC to your lawn mower. It's easier than you think.

There are myriad ways to dramatically reduce electric usage in your home. From lighting to insulation to using your TV and computers better, electric efficiency will save you money and energy. Find out how today.

It is now cheaper than ever to convert your home to solar electric energy OR to change your electric provider to all renewable energy sources, both wind and solar. And there are many government programs that can help with the expense.

How you spend your money can have a large impact on the use of fossil fuels. From the food you buy to your everyday purchases, learn how your spending choices can make a difference in battle to stop climate change.

One of the most important actions that you can take is to spread the word about the climate emergency to your friends and family and encourage them to become involved in the efforts to wean ourselves from fossil fuels.